Explore the vibrant exchanges and insightful discussions that characterize the international gatherings of EduBox team. These meetings serve as a platform for sharing best practices, showcasing project advancements, and engaging in in-depth discussions on vocational education within the visited locations. Additionally, dissemination sessions are conducted in each partner country, fostering connections with businesses and educational institutions.
Target group: project team – teachers, school headmasters, developers, project managers, soft-skills coordinator
Aim of events:
The LTT (27.-29. 11. 2022)a ctivity was an opportunity to get to know more SPSOA Bruntál and local environment, as well as an opportunity for presentations of 1st project results. Teachers and developers could share their experiences of development and share good practice. Attendees also had chance to visit SPSOA venue and training in the classes.
The TPM (29. 11. 2022) was the first project meeting where partners met offline. Meeting was dedicated to discussion around timeschedule and budget development, upcoming activities, events and report, risks within the consortium as well as the management of the project.
Activities: showcase of project outputs, roleplays, SPSOA presentations, MTA presentation, school tour, visit in classes, roleplay, visit of Dlouhé Stráně hydro powerplant, project meeting – discussion, roundtable
Target group: project team – teachers, school headmasters, developers, project managers, soft-skills coordinator
Aim of events:
The second LTT activity (26.-30. 11. 2023) was dedicated with discovering of SCNG and local ecosystem. There were also another project results presented and discussed. Teachers and developers shared their opinions and experiences. Consortium visited school workshop areas, classrooms and had opportunity to see the use of one EduBox in class with students. Also, a soft-skills workshop was performed.
The transnational project meeting (29. 11. 2023) was aimed to discussion around past and upcoming events, dissemination, reviewing of KPIs and discussion around project activities.
Activities: presentations of SCNG, sharing of project outputs, review of multiplier events, visit of parts of school center in Nova Gorica, visit in Primorska technology park, visit of Intra Lightning company
Target group: school headmasters, teachers, education decision-makers, organizations dealing with education, representants of local companies
Aim of event: present EduBox project to the wide range of people, show and disseminate project results
The multiplier event was divided into two days. Both of them with aim to disseminate EduBox project to the public, show and present project results, show solutions for implementing new technologies to vocational education and training.
First day was held in Celje (11. 5. 2023) at the national competition of secondary schools for mechatronics – Mechatronic Forum. The national competition was also attended by the representative of the Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Vocational Education and Training (CPI), Ms Stanka Magister. The feedback from participants (teachers, headmasters and a representative for CPI) was very positive and teachers from ŠCNG were encouraged by participants to continue developping more outputs.
Second day (18. 5. 2023) was conceived as a presentation of the project to local companies with which the school works closely. It took place in Nova Gorica. In addition to the presentation of the project EduBox and the EduBox activities itself, the event was enriched with a round table discussion to get fresh information and ideas from the entrepreneurs. Topics of discussion at the round table included the skills that companies are looking for in recruitment process, what are the most sought-after skills and what are the needs in the labour market, the cooperation between schools and companies through various projects, especially through the project assignments that students prepare as final assignments and other ways of cooperation.
Activities: competition in mechatronics, presentations, round table with companies, tour of school premises with participants,
Target group: school headmasters, teachers, education decision-makers, organizations dealing with education, local and international representants of companies
Aim of event:The multiplier event in Bruntál was divided into two days, the first day (21. 9. 2023) was aimed at teachers and company representatives. Participants were divided into smaller workshops groups and the discussion was led around multiple topics (transfer of know-how, interaction with companies, soft-skills etc.).
The second day (22. 9. 2023) was part of the Day of Modern Technologies, when EduBoxes were showed, including a practical demonstration. SPSOA Bruntál invited lots of partner companies and organizations. As SPSOA has also partner relations with schools from Poland and Slovakia, there were also international participants.
Feedback for both organized days was very positive – companies are thriving for future employees (students at technical vocational schools) and teachers want to have more modern know-how to transmit. It was tentatively agreed that SPŠOA will organize one more multiplier event in the first half of 2024, which will be broadened with new EduBoxes from partners. This idea was attractive for companies and teachers who participated to this event in order to send also their colleagues and show them the EduBoxes too.
Activities: workshops, dscussions, practical demonstrations of EduBoxes, presentations, tour of school premises
Target group: school headmasters, teachers, education decision-makers, organizations dealing with education, local companies
Aim of event: SPS Myjava decided to invite representatives from teachers, educational authorities, and local as well as regional government on the first day. On the second day of the event, the school invited representatives from partner companies, as well as representatives from the city and companies from the surrounding area.
The program of the meeting was the same on both days (27.-28. 2. 2024) – first, the presentation of the EduBox project concept was followed by a demonstration of already completed EduBoxes. This was followed by a discussion. After answering questions, Myjava partners showed the participants around the school premises and then presented the students‘ annual projects.
The school invited also Myjava TV in order to promote the project and its outputs to the public. The reportage can be found on this link: https://youtu.be/5mVCY_tW5ac?feature=shared.
Activities: presentations, roundtable, discussions, school tour
Target group: representants of local companies, representants of universties
Aim of event:MSIC is regularly organizing meetings of innovation platforms in different topic, one of them, Future mobility working group was dedicated to the topic of EduBox and discussion around future of vocational education and training. Representants of this working group was invited to the roundtable on 29 February 2024 (there were invited representants of companies and public institutions). Partners from SPSOA were presenting already developed outputs, goal of this project, also they explained the work of Moravian-Silesian Technological Academy (MTA) which will be working on next EduBoxes also after the end of this EduBox project co-funded by EU.
Activities: roundtable, demonstration of project outputs, discussion
Target group: project team – teachers, school headmasters, developers, project managers, soft-skills coordinator
Aim of events:
The third LTT activity (17.-21. 3. 2024) was aimed to get to know more SPS Myjava and local ecosystem. There were also another project results presented and discussed. Teachers and developers shared their opinions and experiences. Consortium visited school classrooms and workshop areas and had opportunity to visit classes. Visits of local companies were also organized.
During the transnational project meeting (19. 3. 2024), project team had opportunity to discuss upcoming events (mainly the final conference in Ostrava), upcoming monitoring report, check the time schedule and budget.
Activities: presentations of SPS Myjava, presentations about dual school system, sharing of project outputs, review of Myjava multiplier event, visit of school premisesa, visit in Porsche Werkzeugbau, visit of partner company PFS
Target group: schools, teachers, school headmasters, representatives of local companies, students
Aim of event: SPSOA Bruntál had opportunity to present the EduBox project during the Veletrh maturitních prací (Graduation Project Fair). The opportunity for meeting a diverse
range of target groups in one place. This event aimed to ensure a broad outreach and engage all relevant stakeholders in the educational sector.
During the event, the practical presentations were held, as well as the demonstrations of all developed EduBoxes.
Activities: practical demonstrations of EduBoxes, presentations, discussions
Target group: public, schools, teachers, makers, students
Aim of events: MSIC was part of the Maker Faire event on 1 June 2024. Aim of this event was to share project results amongst wide public, schools, teachers and students. Stand of MSIC included model of Tatra axle printed on 3D printer that attendees could use and see how it works. Also presentation of other EduBoxes was performed. Attendees of the faire had also opportunity to share what would they change in education system.
Activities: slideshow of project results, demonstration of Tatra EduBox and Ohm&Kirchhoff law EduBox, discussions
Target group: project team – teachers, school headmasters, developers, project managers, soft-skills coordinator
Aim of events:
The forth and last LTT activity (6. – 10. 2024) was aimed to get to know more Moravian-Silesian Innovation Centre Ostrava and local ecosystem. Consortium had opportunity to share last news about development of EduBoxes and they also visited local companies and organizations. Further collaboration was also discussed.
During the transnational project meeting (8. 10. 2024), project team had opportunity to conclude and review all project activities or discuss administrative necessities regarding final report.
Activities: presentations of MSIC Ostrava, presentation of POJFM secondary school in Frýdek-Místek, visit of premises of Huyndai Nošovice, visit at vocational secondary school in Frýdek-Místek, visit in craft incubator Fajna Dílna, visit in development centre for students IdeaHub, visit in premises of Technical university Ostrava – Smart Home, Smart Factory, IT4Innovations and 3D protolab
Target group: school representants, representants of EdTech companies, representants of universties, EdTech enthousiasts, students of VET schools, public
Aim of event:
The final multiplier event was held on 9 and 10 October 2024 and the main goal was to show and disseminate project results, discuss development of EduBoxes amongst project partners and public, raise discussion around education technologies and connect relevant stakeholders involved in implementation of new technologies to schools.
Activities: presentations, demonstrations, pitch-decks, panel discussion